Advertising is the marketing department's most effective tool for repositioning brands and products. Brands that need repositioned may already be so well-known that consumers pass by without noticing it on store shelves, since they have already mentally categorized it as a brand they do not want or need. Advertising is the most effective marketing technique when you need to gain consumers' attention and send them a message.
Advertising campaigns for repositioning efforts can show new uses for an old product and stress product benefits that consumers do not yet realize. Ads can include fresh logos, slogans, mascots, celebrity endorsements and fundamentally different "feels" to convey different emotions, images and expectations to consumers.
Advertising is the best way to inform customers about the new life of an old brand, but ads are not the most effective means of encouraging consumers to retry a product they have already written off. Sales promotions are the best way to entice consumers to act on the new information gained from advertisements. Temporary price discounts or free samples can re-enforce the new brand images you convey to consumers, while also stimulating word-of-mouth advertising --- the most powerful tool for changing consumers' minds. Advertising is how you call attention to a brand. Branding is how you make an impression in the minds of your customer.
A. Brands & Products
Brands are well-defined product lines encompassing multiple products or services. Repositioning brands and products in the marketplace is a marketing tactic used to bring new life into aging products and brands. Marketers can reposition brands using a range of techniques, mostly advertising and sales promotions. Having an understanding of brand repositioning techniques can help you to get the most out of your current brands and products.
B. Brand Positioning
The term "brand positioning" refers to the strategic, purposeful act of creating a brand image in the marketplace. A brand image is the way in which consumers view or judge your product. Consumers have a tendency to categorize brands according to predetermined variables, such as price or quality. Brands can garner a low-cost, high-availability, lower-quality image, as with generic breakfast cereals, or they can build a high-cost, luxurious, low-availability, high quality image, such as Coach Handbags or anything.
C. Purpose
All products and brands progress through what is called the product life cycle, which moves from the introduction stage through growth, maturity and decline. Brand repositioning is an attempt to move a brand from a later stage in the product life cycle_ generally the decline stage_ back to an earlier stage, preferably the growth stage. Marketers reposition brands to reinvigorate sales, keep profit margins steady or take new strategic directions with the company.
Brand repositioning is not always about financial factors. Companies may reposition their existing brands to coincide with new company commitments to environmentally or socially responsible business practices, for example
A brand is a consistent, holistic pledge made by a company, the face a company present to the world. A brand serves as an unmistakable and recognizable symbol for product and services. It functions as the “business card” a company proffers on the competitive scene to set itself apart from the rest. In addition to differentiating in this way, a brand conveys to consumers. Shareholders, stakeholders, society and the world at large all the values and attitudes embodied in a product or company. A brand fulfils key function for consumers and companies alike.
D. Function
The functions of a brand for consumers are:
1. Brand plays a role in term of communication and identification. They offer guidance, covey an expectation of quality and so offer help and support to those making purchase decision. Brand makes it easier for consumers to interpret and digest information of product.
2. The perceived purchasing risk is thus minimized, which in turn helps cultivate a trust-base relationship.
3. A brand can also serve a social business card, expressing membership in a certain group. Premium brands, for instance, can even engender a sense of distinction and prestige.
4. Consuming certain brands is also a means of consuming certain value. By opting for particular brands, a consumer demonstrates that he or she embraces particular values; the brand becomes a tool of identity formation.
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